Kirklees Council cartel causes chaos - abuse of power by housing officers

Threats by kirklees housing officers Earlier this month I received the following erroneous communication from Julie Stephenson at Kirklees…


 ⋅ Aug 6, 2022 ⋅ 2 min read

Kirklees Council cartel threats
Kirklees Council cartel threats

Threats by kirklees housing officers

Earlier this month I received the following erroneous communication from Julie Stephenson at Kirklees Council.

Julie Stephenson at Kirklees Council responds to bogus complaint
Julie Stephenson at Kirklees Council responds to bogus complaint

As one can see in this video, there are no "items dumped outside"!

And you can also see, none of Stephenson's personal details were exposed. However, rather than resolve the issue with an apology, she took the provocatory step of attempting to involve the police.

Julie Stephenson, Kirklees Housing Manager, issues bogus complaint to the police
Julie Stephenson, Kirklees Housing Manager, issues bogus complaint to the police

On top of this, she has also attempted to maintain that my posting a video exposing her misdeeds was "anti-social" and comprised a "breach of my tenancy agreement"!

So she has now made three non-resolutory points of contact, compared to my single point, comprising acts of harassment against myself, and forming part of an ongoing series of attacks that began when I helped the police to disband a child trafficking cartel in the Colne Valley.

kirklees council threat 1 kirklees council threat 2

However, she did not stop here. When Stephenson saw the video, she suffered a psychological breakdown at the prospect of having her misdemeanours uncovered.

She decided to use her gangland contacts to instigate the most horrendous assault against me. Luckily, I spotted the ring lying in wait for my partner and was able to intercept their campaign. They panicked and conducted their assault in broad daylight, in front of multiple witnesses, and will not be able to escape an extended jail term.

See these photographs to learn the extent of my injuries.

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This is the car used by the traffickers, both for kerb crawling and for drive-by style assaults with their homemade electro-stun weapon. You can see that the car has a low boot, useful for snatching for example a push-chair or buggy, and also for lifting objects such as heavy rolls of carpet. Furthermore, the car is chosen because it is narrow enough to fit inside another vehicle, ie a lorry, for making cross-channel excursions.

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Stephenson has been seen talking to the car owner, who is now on bail because of the assault. The trafficking car is in the police pound, where it will remain forever more.

This image shows trafficker Stacey Robinson creeping around the property that is being used to gather data on the ring, along with one of her sexual partners, Ricky "bogeyman" Walker the Stalker, who has recently been seen on CCTV creeping around behind residential properties, and stealing childrens clothes from the washing lines.

bogey and puke

Here we see Walker attacking the police when they arrested him.

Here we see him biting a shop keeper